Live Event

How to Jumpstart Your Careerin the Architecture Industry

Are you looking to make a change and really accelerate your career? Recently graduated and not sure how to get started in the architecture industry? Attend this FREE live event and learn exactly what you need to do to succeed and your career going in the direction you want!

This live event will cover topics such as:

• Racing to the bottom (undercutting competitors for lower fees)
• Lack of promotion & marketing in architecture
• Why architects are overworked and underpaid
• What is leading to the unionization of architecture firms
• Training outside of continuing education

And more!

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What They Didn't Teach You In School

Whether you’ve recently graduated, or are still looking for a path in life, you won’t get the guidance you need in school or college. This free webinar is designed to give you the REAL information and steps to take to get the correct start, doing what you want to do, all while being certain and confident the whole way through. If you’ve ever wondered how to break into life, then this free event is for you.

The Right Way To The Right Path

Learning a specialized field or trade is one thing, but what about learning how to manage life so that you can even get started? How about learning how to achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself? Or even how to set correct goals? These are critical skills that set the people who succeed in life apart from the rest. This is the information you need to set yourself up for a fulfilling and productive life, the way you want it.

Crucial Skills So You Can Make Correct Choices

Life is full of decisions to make. Some are minor while others can change the course of your life entirely. Knowing what direction YOU want to go, and how to get and stay on that path is key. You’ll learn some key concepts, including:

Choosing A Path

Many people just fall into a certain path in life, but few choose their own. Learn how to decide your own destiny and achieve it.

Navigating Obstacles

The road to success isn't always smooth. Opposition is sure to come up no matter what one decides to do. Learn how to overcome obstacles and not let anything stop you.

Reach Your Potential

To really live a life of achievement, you need to be running on all cylinders. Learn how to cast aside fear and reservations and reach your true potential.

Nothing To Lose

A Lifetime of Potential to Gain

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by. Take this chance to learn something that could impact your life for years to come.

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One Webinar, A World Of Possibility

Christopher Colby has 21+ years in the field of architecture and business, including coaching and mentoring those in the fields of architecture, engineering and construction.  Chris has helped dozens of people enter and succeed in the workplace of architecture and in life. In this no-risk, no-obligation webinar, you’ll see what he’s learned the hard way, so that you can avoid the needless pitfalls that may be in your way. You could start on a bright and successful road towards whatever goals you decide.